Web Design

A few basic things to think about before you get started on your website

• Why do you want a website?
• What do you want the website to do?
• Who is your audience?
• How will they find you?
• What is the Expected Outcome/Goal of the website?
• Who is going to create the content?

Beware of free or cheap website builders. You could create a big mess for yourself.

• Usually not responsive design
• Not search engine friendly
• Read the fine print – many of these free services claim ownership of all your content and your domain name. This can be a costly mistake and potentially could lead to legal trouble.
• Usually hosted on cheap, shared hosting platform that cannot handle very much traffic or grow as your site increases in visibility.
• Usually do not have any quality tools for backup, security, or updates.

Do not use copyrighted material on your website.

• Common copyrighted items are pictures, music, logos, video and content.
• Using copyrighted material without permission is stealing. It is illegal.
• Using copyrighted materials can lead to legal trouble and fines, especially with pictures and music.
• If you did not take the picture yourself, then it is probably copyrighted.
• You can get pictures from sites like iStock that sell you the rights to use the pictures.

Content Management Systems (CMS)

• CMS - Website software that makes it easier to create, manage and use your content
• Helps you to have a consistent look and feel across your site
• Additional modules can be added to increase functionality
• The Top 2 Content Management Systems are Drupal & Wordpress

Why do I need a website…Can’t I just use Facebook?

• Facebook can be a good part of your web strategy
• You do not own the platform - Facebook changes the rules constantly and they can shut you down
• Most places do not setup Facebook correctly
• Need to use a Facebook Page or Group depending on your goal
• Unless people are specifically following your page or you are using advertising, very few people will see your posts. Someone that “Likes” your page is not the same as “following” your page.
• Limited functionality

Website Costs

Basic costs

• Web Design – Upfront cost to design and create the site
• Domain Name – Yearly cost
• Hosting – Monthly or Yearly cost

Other Costs

• Backup
• Updates
• Upgrades
• Content
• Spam Filtering
• Security


Contact Us


100 S Louis Tittle Ave
Mangum, OK 73554
Phone: 580.782.2266
Email: contact@ultimateitguy.com



Working with Ultimate IT Guys was the best decision that I have made in a long time.

Connie Caldwell
Director - Omaha KS Housing Authority

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